Who’s innovating where? Patent activity related to cybersecurity decreased by 34% in the power industry in Q3 2022

The global power industry experienced a 59% decline in the number of cybersecurity-related patent applications in Q3 2022 compared with the previous quarter. The total number of cybersecurity-related grants rose by 9% in Q3 2022, according to GlobalData’s Patent Analytics.

Notably, the number of cybersecurity-related patent applications in the power industry was 128 in Q3 2022, versus 314 in the prior quarter.

The top five companies accounted for 41% of patenting activity

Analysis of patenting activity by companies shows that Korea Electric Power filed the most cybersecurity patents within the power industry operations and technologies sector in Q3 2022. The company filed 18 cybersecurity-related patents in the quarter, compared with 12 in the previous quarter. It was followed by China Southern Power Grid with 15 cybersecurity patent filings, State Gridof China (10 filings), and Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (5 filings) in Q3 2022.

Top-5 companies by patenting activity related to cybersecurity in terms offilings, in the global power industry in Q3 202218151055AssigneesState Gridof ChinaKorea ElectricPowerChina SouthernPower GridState Gridof ChinaSchweitzerEngineeringLaboratoriesItronLTotal PublicationsSource: GlobalData Patent Analytics

Patenting activity was driven by China with a 30% share of total patent filings

The largest share of cybersecurity related patent filings in the power industry in Q3 2022 was in China with 30%, followed by South Korea (18%) and the US (12%). The share represented by China was 26% lower than the 56% share it accounted for in Q2 2022.

GlobalData, the leading provider of industry intelligence, provided the underlying data, research, and analysis used to produce this article.

GlobalData’s Patent Analytics tracks patent filings and grants from official offices around the world. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries

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